
Batiguél (project under development)

Sara, 25 years old, bailiff for the family court, travels the city of Salvador to deliver diverse court decisions to very different people.

News bearer for the population, generally bad news, and having to travel long distances, Sara feels worn by her job. Buying a scooter, a small automatic motorcycle, is her biggest wish.

Witness of the social contrast of Salvador and with her own difficult family history, Sara finds herself close to an emotional breakdown. Her contact with Mrs. Luisa, a lady who she meets while delivering documents and Ricardo her delivery colleague, will bring new life possibilities to our “heroine.”

Batiguel has been awarded by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture for its Argument. Project under development.

direção | Cláudio Marques e Marília Hughes

Ao lado, foto de Roseta, dos irmãos Dardenne, uma forte influência para Batiguél.

rua professor rômulo almeida, nº 8, acupe de brotas, 40320-290 –

textos e notíciascriticas/Arquivo.html
coisadecinema - filmesfilmes_ccinema_A_Infancia_de_Anastacia.html
quem somosquem_somos.html